Love or Die – Christ’s Wake-up Call to the Church


by Alexander Strauch

copyright 2008

Among the stack of books I “have”to read, this one was the easiest to understand but hardest to practice!  Strauch expounds on Revelation 2:4 and the church at Ephesus.  The order of his chapters were just as important as the content.  Chapter three of this book is entitled, “Teach Love.”  My eyes immediately went to that chapter, and I wanted to camp out there first, but I read the book in order and the chapter before it was “Pray for Love.” This was important and after incorporating this in my quiet time, it has really helped.  The chapter about teaching love was so difficult to rush through.  It was convicting on many levels, but especially the sentence that read, “Thus the Christian home should be characterized by Christ’s unselfish, giving love–a love that is initiated by the husband.”  The word ‘initiated’ was what caused me to pause and repent.  The other highlight of this book was his focus on the local church.  In the age of the so called, “virtual church,” Strauch helps church leaders and members consider how we learn how to biblically love one another when he writes, “If you are not a participating member of a local church, then you are not in God’s school of love.”  If you are brave enough to read this book, let me know what you think.

Brian Spivey — D.O.C.

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